Privacy Policy

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About Genesis Entertainment Ltd / Definitions


1. Genesis Entertainment Limited, (Hereafter referred to as GENESIS, and depending on the service you select) is a "data controller" for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (i.e. is responsible for, and controls the processing of, your personal information).


"Guest Services" means our Guest Services facility operated by Savoy (visit the Website "Contact Us" page for up to date contact details ).. "Privacy Policy" means this Privacy and Cookie Policy. "GENESIS Social Media" means the parts of social media provided by third parties (such as Facebook) through which GENESIS provides services such as information, applications and similar activities. “GENESIS Wi-Fi” means the wireless internet access provided by GENESIS. "Website" means our website at


Your acknowledgement of this Privacy Policy


2. We have written this Privacy Policy to help you understand how GENESIS may collect and use your personal information, and to inform you about the choices you can make about your personal information. This Privacy Policy contains important information about how we handle the information we collect from you - please read it carefully. If you are reading this Privacy Policy online, please print or save a copy for your records.


3. By accessing, using or registering on the Website or GENESIS Social Media, downloading, using or registering on a Mobile App, contacting Guest Services, using GENESIS Wi-Fi or applying for, signing, using or registering a GENESIS monthly membership, you acknowledge that you have read this Privacy Policy.


Amendments to this Privacy Policy


4. GENESIS reserves the right to add to or amend this Privacy Policy from time to time. Amendments will take effect when posted on the Website, and GENESIS Social Media. Please check the Website or GENESIS Social Media "Privacy & Legal" section regularly for changes. If you access, use or register on the Website, GENESIS Wi-Fi or GENESIS Social Media, use Guest Services or use or register your GENESIS Monthly Membership card after any amendment to this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge that you have read the updated version of this Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise stated, our current Privacy Policy applies to all the personal information we have about you.




5. GENESIS may collect and process information about you as set out in this Part B.


Making a purchase / purchasing a Monthly Membership


6. If you make a purchase via the Website, GENESIS will collect the information we need to fulfil your order and notify you of the status of your order. If you apply for a monthly membership card, GENESIS will collect the information we need to open, administer and run your account and to deal with any enquiries you may have about it.


Registering your details with GENESIS


7. If you are 16 or older, you may choose to register your details with GENESIS to get a GENESIS account using the "Sign Up" section of the Website.


8. In each case, the registration / joining process will set out the minimum information you need to provide (in the form of mandatory fields) and you may provide us with other information if you chose.


9.  If you register with GENESIS to use the GENESIS Wi-Fi, the login process will set out the information you need to provide, including your date of birth. You don’t automatically get a GENESIS account just by registering for GENESIS Wi-Fi.


Competitions / Surveys / Correspondence


10. GENESIS may obtain information from you when you enter a competition or promotion on the Website or GENESIS Social Media. From time to time, we may contact you by email to ask you to participate in a user survey. Participation in surveys is completely voluntary. If you contact us for any reason (e.g. to report a fault on the Website) we may keep a record of that correspondence.


Sensitive personal information


11. Please note that GENESIS may collect sensitive personal information from you in the course of providing goods and/or services to you (in particular, information as to whether you have a disability).Using our services / Marketing messages from GENESIS


12. GENESIS may collect information about your use of our services (including your purchases from us, and your use of GENESIS Monthly membership card,  GENESIS Social Media and GENESIS Wi-Fi). We may also collect information about marketing messages we send to you and how you respond to them. See Part C, below, for more details about this.






13. GENESIS uses information collected using cookies and web beacons to help us analyse, develop, manage and market our goods and services, and our communications to you.14. A "cookie" is a small piece of information placed on your device's hard drive via your web browser. "Session cookies" are temporary cookies which remain on the cookie file of your browser until you leave a website. "Persistent cookies" remain in the cookie file of your browser for much longer (how long will depend on the lifetime of the specific cookie). The "help" button on the menu bar of most web browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser tell you when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable cookies. More information about cookies is available at A web beacon is a tiny transparent graphic image, often no larger than 1 pixel x 1 pixel, that is placed on a website or in an e-mail and used to collect information, often in conjunction with a cookie.GENESIS cookies


16. GENESIS uses session cookies on the Website and GENESIS Social Media to enhance our visitors' experience of the Website and GENESIS Social Media, and to provide certain facilities on the Website and GENESIS Social Media. For example, session cookies allow you to carry information across pages of the Website and GENESIS Social Media when booking a ticket, and avoid you having to re-enter information. We use session cookies to collect information about your device including its IP address (a unique identifier of your device), operating system and browser type. This helps us ensure that content from the Website and GENESIS Social Media is presented in the most effective manner for you and your device. We also collect information about browsing actions and patterns.17. We may ask you whether you wish us to provide certain facilities which require the use of a persistent cookie. For example, if you want us to recognise your device and pre-fill some of your log in details to save you time, we use a persistent cookie to do this.


18. If you choose to disable GENESIS cookies you will still be able to view the Website or GENESIS Social Media, but you may not benefit from all the Website and GENESIS Social Media features on your visits.Third party cookies


19. Most advertisements on the Website and GENESIS Social Media are GENESIS advertisements. However we may feature external advertiser campaigns from time to time. Please note that if you view or click on these, your device may receive a third party cookie (e.g. so that the advertiser can measure the performance of their advertisements on the Website and GENESIS Social Media).20. GENESIS may ask or allow third parties to collect statistical data about the Website and GENESIS Social Media (e.g. for evaluating usage of the Website and GENESIS Social Media, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage), and this may involve the use of a third party cookie. GENESIS does not control these third party cookies.21. You can disable third party cookies if you wish. However, you should read the cookie policy of the relevant third party, in particular, to find out how to do this.GENESIS Social Media


22. If you are using GENESIS Social Media, please remember that GENESIS Social Media are provided via social media sites which have their own functionality, terms and privacy policies. You should be aware that these functions are part of the social media site, and are subject to the social media site's terms and privacy policy. Please ensure you have read these carefully and have checked your personal settings to ensure you are happy with how your information will be used by the social media site. GENESIS Social Media may make use of these functions but GENESIS does not control them and is not responsible for them.23. GENESIS Social Media may allow you to see your friend's details and contact them.24. The Website, GENESIS Social Media and email marketing messages from GENESIS may contain web beacons, and we use them in conjunction with GENESIS cookies and third party cookies to collect information. For example, GENESIS may use web beacons to do the following: count the number of visitors to the Website and GENESIS Social Media; establish levels of interest in particular items or aspects of the Website and GENESIS Social Media; or particular products and services available on the Website and ODEON Social Media; determine whether you have acted on an email or clicked on a link (e.g. where this is a condition of entering a competition); compile aggregated statistics on how successful a specific marketing campaign or a competition has been; assess whether advertisements or competitions result in purchases being made; and/or understand how popular a particular film or screening is.25. Web beacons do not store additional information on your device but, by communicating with cookies on your device, they can provide us with personal information (e.g. when you have opened an  email marketing message from us). If you object to web beacons, we recommend you follow the instructions for deleting and disabling cookies set out above.Third party links


26. The Website and GENESIS Social Media may contain links to websites which are not controlled by GENESIS. This might include a link in a third party advertisement. The fact that the Website and GENESIS Social Media provides links to any such website does not mean that GENESIS endorses that website or any of the services or products it offers. We are not agents for any such websites or advertisers and we are not authorised to make representations on their behalf (unless explicitly stated). GENESIS is not responsible for the privacy practices of any such websites. You provide personal information to such websites at your own risk, and you should check their privacy policies.Google Analytics


27. The Website and GENESIS Social Media may use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ('Google'). Google Analytics uses 'cookies', which are text files placed on your device, to help the website analyse how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Website and GENESIS Social Media (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the Website and GENESIS Social Media, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, however please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of the Website and GENESIS Social Media. By using the Website or GENESIS Social Media, you consent to the processing of data about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes set out above.GENESIS Wi-Fi


28. When you use GENESIS Wi-Fi we may collect data about:


a) your device;


b) the volume of data which you use;


c) the websites and applications which you access; and


d) your usage by access time, frequency and location.  




Making a purchase / taking a GENESIS Monthly membership


29. If you make a purchase, GENESIS will use your information to fulfil your order and notify you of the status of your order, which will usually include sending you a booking or purchase confirmation email. If you purchase a Monthly membership GENESIS will use your information to open, administer and run your account and to deal with any enquiries you may have about it.30. Where you make a purchase by credit/debit card via the Website Savoy will use the purchase information you submit to process your credit/debit card transaction on GENESIS’ behalf.  Registering with GENESIS


31. If you register your details with us via our Website or GENESIS Wi-Fi, or you purchase a GENESIS Monthly Membership we will use the details you have given us, together with details of how you use the Website or GENESIS Social Media, details of marketing messages we send to you and how you respond to them, and details of your purchasing behaviour with GENESIS, as follows:


a) to manage and improve our goods and services, the Website, GENESIS Social Media, Guest Services, our cinema, and the GENESIS Monthly Membership;


b) to notify you of changes to our goods and services, the Website, GENESIS Social Media, Guest Services, our cinema, the GENESIS Monthly Membership our Privacy Policy and/or any of our terms and conditions;


c) to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and GENESIS;


d) to understand what you buy from us and how you use our services;


e) to provide you with marketing messages as set out in this Privacy Policy;


f) to manage and improve the advertising of our goods and services via third parties (including advertising on social media); and


g) to build up a picture of your personal preferences, and generally how you use the Website and GENESIS Social Media and so allow us to customise your visits to our Website and GENESIS Social Media and any marketing messages we send to you.Marketing messages from GENESIS


32. We will send you marketing messages by email as follows:


a) If you have registered with GENESIS through the Website or by signing up to a GENESIS account, or you have purchased a GENESIS Monthly Membership (all of which require you to be 16 or over), we will send you email marketing messages about film times and/or emails with film & cinema news, competitions & special offers, and information about GENESIS products and services, if you have consented to this.


b) If you have registered with GENESIS via GENESIS Wi-Fi and you have told us you are 16 or over, we will send you email marketing messages with information about film & cinema news, competitions & special offers, and information about GENESIS products and services unless you have previously expressed a preference not to receive such emails.


c) If you have purchased a GENESIS Monthly Membership and you have told us you are 16 or over, we will send you email marketing messages about similar GENESIS products and services such as films & cinema news, promotions, our loyalty schemes, and competitions & special offers, unless you asked us not to do this during the sign up process.33. Marketing messages will only come from GENESIS. They may involve carefully selected partners from time to time, but we will not pass your data to any third party for direct marketing. Where we provide you with news and offers of organisations outside GENESIS, we do not give them your details.34. If you have a GENESIS account and you are over 16, you can change your mind at any time about which email marketing messages you receive by logging into your GENESIS account and amending your  email marketing message preferences.   Every information email from GENESIS will contain details of how you can unsubscribe, and you can always contact us to unsubscribe using the methods set out in the paragraphs below.)35. Please note that if you indicate to us that you prefer not to receive email marketing messages, and then opt in to receive them at a later date (or vice versa), we will take the latest indication as the confirmation as to whether you want to receive email marketing messages from us. This does not apply if you register with us via GENESIS Wi-Fi, as we will continue to honour your existing email marketing message preferences.   36.  If you have purchased a GENESIS Monthly Membership or you have registered for GENESIS Wi-Fi, and you have told us you are under 16, we won’t send you any marketing messages whilst you remain under 16, but once you are 16 we will start sending you marketing messages in accordance with the preferences we have logged for you at that time. For 16-17 year olds, we will use date of birth information to make sure our marketing messages are age appropriate.


Survey information


37. Survey information will be used for the purposes of understanding customer trends, monitoring or improving our services and, sometimes, to contact you with news and offers.Sensitive personal information


38. If you provide us with sensitive personal information such as that relating to a disability we will use this for the purpose of providing you with access to our goods and services.GENESIS Wi-Fi


39. We will use the data we collect when you use GENESIS Wi-Fi in order to capture general trends in wi-fi usage amongst our customers and to monitor and improve the GENESIS Wi-Fi service. We may also match the data we collect with other data that we hold about you in order to build up a picture of your personal preferences and understand how you use GENESIS’ goods and services.




40. We may pass your personal information to the following third parties: (a) our advisers in order for them to provide us with advice; and (b) other companies and individuals in order for them to perform functions on our behalf (e.g. developing, maintaining and analysing customer databases; creating, sending out and analysing customer communications; administering competitions; developing, maintaining and analysing the Website, GENESIS Social Media, GENESIS Wi-Fi, operating Guest Services and providing customer services; and operating our GENESIS Monthly Membership scheme). We will only transfer your personal information on the understanding that the third party has undertaken to us that they have in place adequate technical and organisational measures to protect that information, will not pass it on to any other party (without our explicit consent and only with valid grounds), and will not use it for any purpose other than to provide us with advice or perform the function specified on our behalf.41. We reserve the right to release personal information without your consent or without consulting you, when we believe that this is appropriate to comply with our legal obligations, to enforce our terms and conditions or other legal rights, to protect the security of the Website, GENESIS Social Media, ODEON Wi-Fi, Guest Services , to prevent fraud, or otherwise to protect the legitimate interests of GENESIS and/or its customers.42. From time to time we may share statistical information about customers with third parties such as advertisers, business partners and sponsors, to help us and them analyse, develop, manage and market our goods and services. This information will be shared in a way that ensures that your identity is not revealed.43. Where you are a registered user of GENESIS services we may share the following information with third parties for the following marketing purposes:


a) We may share your email address in an encrypted and de-identified form with third party social media platforms (such as Facebook) in order for these third parties to identify you as a registered user of their services. Such third parties then use other information that they hold about you and analyse it to identify other users of their services who share similar interests to you. These third party users may then receive advertising and promotions about GENESIS products and services on such third party social media platforms. The use of your information by such third party social media platforms is governed by their privacy policies, and any applicable consents that you have provided to such social media platforms, where such consents are required by applicable law.


b) We may share a unique identifier with third parties, or their partners, in order for these third parties to identify you as a registered user of their services. Such third parties and/or their partners then use this information to send you advertising and promotions about GENESIS products and services on their websites and mobile services. The use of your information by such third party service providers is governed by their privacy policies, and any applicable consents that you have provided to such third party service providers, where such consents are required by applicable law.


44. If GENESIS or any part of GENESIS’ business is restructured, sold to or integrated with another business, we may transfer customer information (including your personal information) to other GENESIS group companies or the new owners, as the case may be.PART F – OTHER




45. The nature of the Internet is such that we cannot guarantee the security of the information you transmit to us via the Internet, and any transmission is at your own risk. We follow strict security procedures (including appropriate technical and organisational measures) in the storage and disclosure of your personal information to try to prevent unauthorised access or loss. We store information you provide to us on secure servers, and payment transactions are encrypted using SSL technology. We take appropriate measures to ensure that information disclosed to us is kept accurate and up to date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is used.


Transfer of data outside the European Economic Area


46. The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area ("EEA"). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or one of our suppliers. Such staff may be engaged in, amongst other things, fulfilment of your order, provision of support or administration services, analysis of statistical data, or other functions as set out in this Privacy Policy. By submitting your information you agree to this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps necessary to ensure your personal data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


User names and passwords


47. If you choose or are provided with, a user name, user identification code, password, security question & answer, verification number or any other piece of security information as part of our security procedures, you must treat such information as confidential and not disclose it to any third party. If you become aware of any unauthorised use of your security information you must inform us immediately. We have the right to disable any account and/or registration with us at any time, if in our opinion you have failed to comply with your obligation to keep your security information secure.


Updating and accessing your personal information / Contacting us


48. If you want to modify or update your registered details at any time, you can do this by logging in to the Website. Alternatively, you may inform us by any of the methods set out at paragraph 56 below of any changes in your personal information or marketing message preferences, and we will update or modify your personal information accordingly.


49. You have a right upon written request and payment of a fee in accordance with our standard fee rate, to have a copy of the personal information we hold about you.


50. You can contact us with any queries or requests concerning your personal information and/or this Privacy Policy by using the contact details shown on the Website "Contact Us" page . Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity before we are able to disclose information to you.


© Genesis Entertainment Limited 1999 - 2018. All rights reserved. Version 2.2 dated May 2018.


Genesis Cinema | Mile End