The Exorcist

Celebrate Genesis' 25th Birthday with £2.50 tickets and a special screening of The Exorcist, we've displayed the poster for years and now we screen the film. When a charming 12-year-old girl takes on the characteristics and voices of others, doctors say there is nothing they can do. As people begin to die, the girl's mother realizes her daughter has been possessed by the devil--and that her daughter's only possible hope lies with two priests and the ancient rite of demonic exorcism.HorrorPT2H2M182024-05-07
Ellen Burstyn
Linda Blair
Jason Miller
Max von Sydow
Lee J. Cobb
William O'Malley
Kitty Winn
Jack MacGowran
Barton Heyman
Peter Masterson
William Friedkin
William Peter Blatty
The Exorcist"The Exorcist"


May 7, 8:55 pm
